>>79545284That's pretty shitty of him, but Camui has stepped away from Vtubing, so in that way he found peace. I care about him in the sense that he was the first aspie I watched and networked with. We get along well in VCs. I would like to consider Camui a friend outside of everything here.
If Dante had beef with him, seems to me like that's settled, and I hope he doesn't repeat that behavior against any of our other fellow chubas.
>>79545261>aHR0cHM6Ly90aGV2aXJ0dWFsYXN5bHVtLnhlbmZvcm8uY2xvdWQvdGhyZWFkcy90aGUta2VzdHJhbGluZS1rcm9uaWNsZXMtYWthLWhvdy1ub2xhbi1jcnVzaC1nb3QtdXBzdGFnZWQtb3Zlcm5pZ2h0LjE3MS8NCmh0dHBzOi8vdGVzdC50aGV2aXJ0dWFsYXN5bHVtLmNvbS90aHJlYWRzL3RoZS1rZXN0cmFsaW5lLWtyb25pY2xlcy1kaXNjdXNzaW9uLXRocmVhZC4xNzcvI'm not sure what this is or how to decode it.