>>70776824>>70786650>>70806721>>70806809Real talk: it never use to bother me until this clip:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzUF1sQ7Z9sIt's the way it is handled. Bae and FWMO both cater to JP strongly too but it's never been an issue for me. FWMO will set dedicated streams aside for their JP audiences and the EN audience will still get plenty of content that week or even the same day. Their history eases people into this behavior because FWMO have a history to trying to teach JP culture and trying to make it fun for everyone. Bae throws herself at JP promotional events and will speak full JP while on another JP stream yet at the end of the day her bread and butter is her EN audience and she throws herself equally at communicating with her EN audience during regular streams.
Irys will pretend her EN audience doesn't exists when it is inconvenient and will not make an effort to involving them in stuff that blends with JP. She won't speak a lick of English on a collab with a JP member but will fall into a full Japanese speaking spell during her normal streams while playing an English speaking game. That there is a difference in the relationship Irys has with Bae and Mori (strong JP speakers) and the rest of Promise (weaker to non speakers) is a little telling. Her guest list for 3D and specials seemly having all JP is very disappointing.
I am happy Irys is having a great week. She is talented and a stronger Irys is better for EN. But this point about her is the reason I will never be a fan.