Quoted By:
>Walking through /Asp/-Mart
>Walk by an aspie
>They turn to me and ask me to take off all their skin
>They start walking away
>Ask them what the fuck they meant by that
>They ask what I'm talking about
>Assume it's a shitty prank, glare at then and move on
>Get to frozen meats section
>Looking around before I get my usual
>Hear someone ask me to take all their skin off
>Look around to see a different aspie walking away
>Reach out and grab his shoulder, ask him what he meant by that
>He angrily and defensively says he didn't say that
>Chock it up to him being in on it and also my amazing strength putting him in prey mode and move on
>At self checkout (I don't trust employees)
>Another person asks me to take off all their skin
>Look behind myself
>Another aspie walking by
>Don't even bother, scan my things, pay, and start to leave
>A whole collab of aspies walk by me
>Pull our skin off pull our skin off pull our skin off pull our skin off pull our skin off
I just wanted to make Hanburger Helper Potatoes Stroganoff