>>16515705Ironically that same attachment is what made me make those downer posts. I don't even lurk 4chan anymore, but I've kept a pinned tab of the catalogue with 'lily' in the search bar all these months, occasionally refreshing it with faint hope that a thread will show up. I was ecstatic to finally see one today, and after reading it and seeing it was nothing like what I'd hyped myself for it to be brought me seriously down. I often have issues like that with managing expectations and becoming overly negative once they aren't met.
Speaking of expectations, I'll probably just host an existing open source imageboard, nothing custom. My last (current) love project for Lily has me pretty drained and made me realize I'm a lot worse at design and webdev than I thought. I plan to continue working on that one, but I'm not too eager to pick up another one so soon.
I should really be sleeping, so I'll leave you with my old signature saying:
I love Lily!