>>44926586Oh no, don't get me wrong, I'm not really blaming Ike for anything. Sure, I may get frustrated by the slow schedule making and tendency to just disappear, but I could never hate him for it, I know it's all a me problem.I know he's a sweet boy and he's just doing his best, and I understand that he just isn't really the type to do fansa or BFE or anything like that.
>>44928318I know, he said it in the most tactful way he could, but my brain can be very unkind to me, and usually I don't let things like the ones I talked about get to me, it can be hard not to turn it into negative thinking and what ifs. He just makes me really, really happy, and lets me feel like everything's okay when he streams. I guess I just needed a reminder more than anything. Honestly, all the emotions I've felt over the past week, it made me almost tear up reading this. Thank you very much for the kind words.