>>39966876>im glad bungotaiga was uncanceledhe was never cancelled. just criticised.
even i never wanted him offline, just to treat others better.
>>39967662>the pedo accusation was from taiga making an edgy jokemmkay what was the punch line? *tee hee i don't ACTUALLY want nudes of a child*, as he orders skebs of sexualised infants
also he lied about his age
>the "expose" was written by adrianwhat
i can't tell if you're lying or ignorant. the documents were written by ex-moderators
>who were trying to get in his pants not me! i'm not gay
>(including me)you're not very honest. let's stop pretending.
>see https://twitter.com/burnbern8/status/1598767091699417090actually DO see that. and follow the links, too!
My favourite was the one I took 200 metres away from my home in toronto, at the CN tower, and this video was referenced as "being in ottawa" when the CN tower is OBVIOUSLY in the frame...
The icing on the cake is, neither taiga nor I live in ottawa. So i can't even grasp what that was for.
Other links in that doc are stuff like an out-of-context screenshot of me saying "sorry for making you cry" and stuff. The document is a complete fabrication.
Taiga and the guy who wrote this document about me (naia okami) are trying to slander me as a stalker because I went to the police station in his hometown. But... they don't tell you WHY I went there... the reason is because taiga himself filed false police reports about me and I was responding to these reports. What did he think would happen? It's such an absurd claim, too... the last place a real stalker would go is the fucking police station.
So utterly idiotic. The cherry on the icing on the cake is that this document was made by pic related. THE GUY who made the "in all ways but physical, I am a wolf". Like you can't make this shit up. I'm so fucking honoured honestly. Fucking item off my bucket list right there.
AND JANITOR, if you delete this post, you may as well scrub his too, because he's literally doxing me! Funny how you let that slide literally all day.