Hosting a community AMQ game
for the second time this weekend, get in here: ID: nasfaqg | Password: firefox
Feel free to either use a guest account or make a proper one. You can add a list too to tailor the quiz, just make sure to set it to private if you care about anonymity. Guests can't talk, so if you'd like to do that then you'll need to make an account.
We will
probably be playing the Battle Royale mode (to start off with at least). You move around with your keyboard's arrow keys and click on things to loot them so that they show up in the quiz pool. You answer with the name of the anime, not the name of the song or artist. If you join mid-match you'll have to spectate, but you'll be able to join as a player after the game is over (games usually last around 15-20 minutes).
These lobbies tend to last a while, so don't be discouraged from joining late.