>>16659248>suing USPSlmao
The only feasible legal action I could take would be against Chase
in Small Claims Court for the entirety of my unrefunded annual fee and the late fees/interest it incurred, as I now have communication sent directly via the gov't
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau - "CB" above was a typo, CFPB acknowledging that they said it would be refunded but "lol no"
I could try for the "cash redemption" value of the rewards points, which is far FAR less than they would've gone as miles
ain't no first class plane tickets to Japan for $1k, but 100k miles will go very very far if used "properly but...
1. Winning that part would almost certainly require them to no-show.
I know that when it comes anything ~$500 and less, many big corpos will actually no-show; paying you costs them less than flying an attorney out to bumfuck, or finding a local one would. I have used that threat successfully against PayPal, who promptly stopped being shitters, gave me all of my money back, reinstated my account, and basically permanently put me on Santa's nice list.2. If they show, "lol, cardmember agreement, fuck you"
3. If they show, they could also argue that the actual "CRV" of the rewards points was 1 cent each...but that's actually still $1,000.
...I might actually take Chase to Small Claims.
>>16659433Thanks anon.