Hopefully Relaxing Time Off Edition
Welcome to /vsj+/! A thread to discuss VShojo and vtubers who frequently associate with them.
Less streams org! Henya is still LIVE! With epic lunch time after too many Reese's earlier. Mata is still LIVE! With powerwashing Warhammer stuff. Mel is also LIVE! With Warhammer stuff, but of the figure painting variety. And finally Mouse is LIVE! With Ship Graveyard Simulator. Later on there'll be a big VShojo Lethal Company collab and it'll be late so prepare to stay up. That's it for now so pick a stream and keep things comfy and civil by ignoring and especially reporting bait, and being excellent to each other.
VShojo is:
Froot -
https://www.twitch.tv/apricotGEEGA -
https://www.twitch.tv/geegaHaruka -
https://www.twitch.tv/harukakaribuHenya -
https://www.twitch.tv/henyathegeniusHime -
https://www.twitch.tv/hajimeKson -
https://www.twitch.tv/ksonsouchou /
https://www.youtube.com/c/ksonONAIRKuro -
https://www.twitch.tv/k9kuroMata -
https://www.twitch.tv/matarakanMel -
https://www.twitch.tv/projektmelodyMouse -
https://www.twitch.tv/ironmouseZen -
総長 + 会長 for dedicated Kson discussion
/999/ for dedicated Henya discussion
/lig/ for more + and ex-member discussion
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