Divegrass stuff, here is the rentry what we got so far:
https://rentry.org/pcczbpa checklist of what we need to finish up
>a logo and icon for the teamthis one we already are done with basicly
>a roster of 23 playerswe already got a good chunk down and only need a few more to fill it out, as always EVERYONE can feel free to contribute ideas, there are no dumb ideas
>aestethics for the playersnyaru, charlotte and chloe all have KoiKatsu i know off the top of my head and if we look a bit more we might find more, Mr T is soemthing we can get from /hfz/ with the LotB model and they could also potentially help us with the Local Italian model, otherwise PNG heads are fine and even teams like /wah/ that have been there since the first league still use them, the divegrasscord will help us here
>icons for the playersthis one is super easy, i mean just look at the thread and you can see we got plenty of choices for everyone
>colorscheme for the teamthis one is easy too, brown obviously is gonna be there and i think adding black makes sense, but we got plenty of stuff we can do here that is super quickly done
>a wikipage for the teamthis one is a no brainer, i can create this for us in like 30min, so basicly we can consider this done
>a musicexportthis one is easy too, we already got a bunch of generic songs for the team and onnce we got medals sorted out we can choose some songs for them like some nyaru karaoke song for her, soem have also already made some ideas for chants we just need to have recorded down, otherwise just add some fun bits from our chuubas, its jsut making a textfile in the end that i have done before so i can help there too
>kits for players to wear without their own modelsuper easy:
https://www.pesmaster.com/kit-creator/ this site allows you to create them super easy
honestly the most important bit still really is someone willing to step up as caretaker, who i can help out with the basics, and for the rest of the thread to help finish up the roster of the team