>>86134871> go to some nice beachesI live 5 mins on foot away from one of the best beaches in the continent
In the last 8 years i haven't gone there a single time outside of showing it to a friend that was visiting/wanted to try out surfing
>go experience some local cuisineI guarantee you that i've eaten anything that you can think of
> climb a mountain, skiiClimbing a mountain could be fun, but its also something i could do locally anyway
I would rather not fuck up my knees skiing tyvm
Why is it so hard to admit that traveling might not be all that? It's fine if you enjoy it, but i swear to god most people only think they enjoy it because society venerates it as the mark of sucess or some shit
Again I'm not saying that "it's impossible to have fun traveling!!!111!!" I'm saying universally my experience is that I just wish i stayed home the entire time
last message about this shit from me, i've ranted/derailed it enough