No one is posting so I have the thread to myself. Might as well post some more.
>bodyAnyway I need your opinion on something. I dont know if I mentioned this before but i broke my back and thats the biggest reason why I became Catholic. I lost everything including my muscle I was super weak and I weighed the lowest I had ever weighed. Since then ive clawed my way back up and Im not so weak anymore and I have decent muscle again. However I am at a crossroads my body could go full otter mode or bear mode. I want your opinion which do you like better?
>otter modePrototypical swimmers body. Tall and lean 10-15% body fat not too much muscle but large chest and shoulders and arms with good abs. I am similar height to Alexander Skarsgård and he had a top tier body in his film tarzan which I can aim for.>downsidesI like eating so the lean body fat percentage can be troublesome to maintain and not even alexander skarsgård could maintain that body nor that diet.>bear modeBulkier muscle and higher body fat percentage in the 15-20% range. Think about henry cavill in superman. I prefer this because its maintainable and I like to eat. He is kinda too bulky for me though and I like the V-Taper bear mode better (Larger upperbody than lower body. Broad chest and shoulders than connect to narrow waist via lats. Basically an upside down dorito). The embodiment of Vtaper is Miguel Ohara from the spiderman movie however he is a cartoon character and his body is not physically achievable even with roids, you can get close though. He is Vtaper otter mode though because he is super low body fat percentage. I had no visual representation of vtaper bear mode until I found this guy
>>>/wsg/5660934 currently that is what Im building towards because we have a similar height and frame from the looks of things.
>downsidesBecause I chose not to do steroids i am years away from achieving bear mode size. However it is easier to maintain once reached.
>your opinionI always enjoy getting the opinion of women which one is more prefered? Not that im working out for women but their opinion on mens bodies always intrigues me. Which of the bodies that I posted is most attractive to you? Which would you like your future husband to have?