>>61204030It's a bit complicated in my mind so I'm not sure I can put it into words that well but some combination of
- I don't want the threads to be purely hornyposting and it would be hypocritical of me to expect other people to follow that if I don't
- It's often not interesting to generate and often results in getting a bunch of "Can you make that same pic but with <other vtuber>" which is extra uninteresting imo
- A moderate amount of the lewd stuff here is quite out of my fetish zone and I can only assume the reverse is just as easily true so no sense dropping in too much of it, people can just make their own
- It's not like there's any lack of it here regardless of what I do
And then just a general personal feeling about generative AI that I believe deserves more than a bullet point - I've always been in favour of it as a concept. Obviously, or I wouldn't be here. People would say it'll ruin art or it's starving all the artists and I just kind of laughed. But after watching online spaces one after another get absolutely innundated with it I've been starting to feel like the real "danger" of it is not the way it can copy or steal ideas but just the sheer speed at which basically anyone can create hundreds or thousands of "mostly good enough" images. I mean just look at my image filename here I've generated an insane amount of images (and this isn't even counting all the img2img results). Anywhere that doesn't have some sort of AI filtering tool is just getting less and less usable recently.
So based on that I think the #1 responsibility of anyone generating a bunch of this stuff is to upload and share just the ones they like the most, or silly things approrpiate to the situation, or whatever. To not contribute to the content flood, essentially. And if I'm gonna chose between sharing something I have not yet seen much of and pic #100 of "your oshi covered in semen" I know which one I'm picking
Side note but while I'm ranting, the requests that are just "vtuber of your choice doing <sex act>" really don't even belong here. They're not even vtuber requests they're just people trying to request porn by putting vtuber in the sentence they clearly don't care at all about the fact it's a vtuber or they would have picked one (or two or three maybe give requester some options)