Ina's definitely showing the world just how much of a super smart dope Ina is by getting that nice crispy delicious A++ on her first try, nearly the highest of Hololive so far (lost to Shion, the Harvard Graduate, Gura grinded off stream definitely), Her analyzing is her weakest while her Memorization is her best which is so like Ina. Now that she found out Gura scored higher than her by less than a hundred she's determined to slap that shark's booty immediately out of first place.>Song ReleasedReine released a brand new original song today in celebration of being in Hololive for an entire year! The song is very upbeat and poppy while Reine's calm, soothing vocals mix very well with it. It's a lovely song that deserves to be streamed at least once by everyone so go on and give it a chance, you'll like it!