>>43129831>I don't know why Americans are so fucking obsessed with race it's like it's playing in their head 24/7 on loopAmerica is the worst on earth about this but I find it hard to believe anyone speaking English and exposed to western culture doesn't get where this is coming from. The anti white, pro fag/tranny nigger worship critical race theory culture is centrally spread and enforced by silicon valley mega corporations (jewish), the US media (jewish), hollywood (jewish), and by force via the US military (controlled by jews).
From the time Americans are 4 years old they are taught to think white people are evil and black people are heros. In america saying nigger is treated as a higher moral crime than murder. Every tiny slight against a black is cause for a Maoist which hunt and public struggle session. Of course huge numbers of American normies have absolutely insane and twisted responses to race stuff, they are brainwashed their whole lives with some of the most demented racial propaganda in history by an evil occupation regime.