>>7136428>tanned gyarus "pretending to be Black". You know... I consider myself a communist. I'm as left wing as they come. I also agree with most of SJW talking points.
But the amount of patience I have for dim witted morons that who can't even consider the possibility that other culture's aren't 100% identical to their own is zero.
And it seems like the American left is filled to the brim with that kind of moron. They see someone with a little more melanin than your average Icelander and immediately expect them to act like (and everyone else to treat them like) an african american.
Same with the word "Nigger". To any non-american it's just another racial slur. But the "woke" left very much acts like pic related. And can't comprehend why someone wouldn't act that way.
It's actually quite offensive. Expecting other cultures to conform to your own. You'd guess that they'd be more open minded.