>NEWS & MERCH:-Hololive 4th Fes! March 18/19th 2023! Sora is performing on Day1 and on Day2 as part of the holo*27 group. Tickets:
https://virtual.spwn.jp/events/23031802-enghololive4thfes/ticket-SorAZ comedy skit - until 20th MARCH 2023
https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololive_kikimanzaivoice-hololive ERROR: Another Story Voice
https://shop.hololivepro.com/products/hololiveerror_anotherstoryvoice-Hololivepro merch
https://shop.hololivepro.com/en/collections/all?open=talent&q=%22Talent_%E3%81%A8%E3%81%8D%E3%81%AE%E3%81%9D%E3%82%89%22>Miscellaneous stuffs-Official manga
Fishing with Ankimo:
https://likeslug.github.io/zarikkuma/2D Platformer:
>Join her official Fanclub! Memberstreams are held here.Take advantage of the Yen's value being in shambles TODAY!https://tokinosora-fc.com/login-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
EOPs: use liveTL; there's always someone doing translations during her streams. Do your reps!
~Please attempt to keep a civil atmosphere as befitting a thread dedicated to the most seiso of seiso's.~
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