Here is what's going on in current streams friends.
Fubuki has started her Undertale Genocide speedrun! Go check her out and watch this gaming foxcat plow through enemies as fast as she can and then potentially beat the shit out of Sans on her first try becaus she's been practicing this for ages.
While Fauna has made a beautifully sickly looking cell with spikes and little feelers and fins forgoing the MEAT route because come on she's nature, she's gotta be a herbivore for her first Spore run, right? Either way, Fauna's soothing voice being mixed in with adorable panic is such a lovely experience.
While the TTRPG scuff has become way too horrific so sadly we must postpone the Scout and Tiara RAPE and instead we're having a just as kino group zatsudan as we get plenty of stories and giggles out of these absolutely autistic girls.
While I don't need to tell you that Astel is still doing his best, trying to reach Diamond in Apex Legends. Because he won't stop playing Apex until he does. Current Rank: Plat III
>Today's song releasesMaiR and many other vsingers including AZKi grouped up and made a cover of Summer Wing 1, 2, Jump! and it's such a fantastic song for the group to put out. The MV also shows off their bikini bodies so you should for sure give it a stream or two and enjoy yourselves.