>>30339782>>30344524I was just expecting a Thicc Brown Anime Gf with MAYBE some Mommy Dommy Vibes. (The Latino part didn't even register to me, but what's there of that is infact there so)
I sort-of got that, but I also got a Southern Belle type with an incredible vocal range (in voice acting I mean ofc), bimbo levels of intelligence, and an almost unhinged (even near-bipolar at times) personality that's actually fun to watch. Also a complete introvert as shown in collabs.
Tl;dr - Expected Mommy-Dommy, but instead got Dorky Big Step-Sis with only a hint of the former. As long as what she streams is still entertaining and is actually at a good time for me, I can say I'm pretty happy with that and will most likely keep watching her.