She can twist her hand up to 90 degrees and if she twists the entire arm she can get the full 180. I've no idea how tracking works but this is a worst case scenario where she needs this.
Anyway I should be exporting this again!
>>30166700Good to know it worked!
I recommend Unity 2019.4.31f1, it works with the VSF sdk which allows you to do fun stuff, and it also supports VRM up to 0.91 at least, which allows you to keep certain stuff. I think it's also less bloated than future unity versions, at least in my experience. Also, you -might- want to skin your mesh yourself, as in assigning the weight of your armature without relying on auto-riggers. They are nice for short projects or low poly assets, but if you ever go for a higher detailed one you will face the fact they're not perfect. I'll try to make the Arcsys tutorials in a few months, the texturing is arguably easier than the standard texturing. Maybe.