The polls for updating /baubau/'s roster have now closed, thank you for your responses! The 3 new players joining /baubau/'s dog pack are:
>Mocopan>Foreigners like to manipulate images like this>Marshmallow ManiaNow we need your creative paws in helping design them ruffians! Please fill out our appearance/model form below:'re also asking your thoughts on our anthem (due Born to "BAU"DOL's release of course!), a couple of cosmetic options to our current roster, and finally a bau bonus: a sudden death between a tentative new player and a remodeled one!
>WINCEST? WHAET?!It might be tuff ruffians, but do your bau best!
We're looking forward to your thoughts and to making our team look doggone amazing ruffians! Bau Bau!!