>>94731245>>94731384https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSVv5fiJHE_swf73WBpkIadd0G3nDPVMib4-DXeBEuARsxU7loNE5dgIF_FzraVwktlBc9w8f3PVqRE/pubDirect Impact
TAGS: Tokoyami Towa, SFW, Fluff
Wordcount: 2912
FINALLY! SOMETHING DONE! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I WANT TO BE LOVEY DOVEY WITH A TSUNDERE TOWA-SAMA anyway i had fun coming up with an scenario for such a tight limit, and its nice to finally push something after so many mental blocks,
As alwyas, any criticism works