Did another treasure hunting trip. And I can report on 2 decent singers for regulars.
Hotaru: a friend of dtto / Qu. Does vocal commissions. She has a firm grasp of singing techniques and performs her own variations in songs. Catch is that she unarchives live singing streams (which are more like practice streams with scuff). Some covers I liked:
Oumen Mokushiroku (sounds a bit like Isekaijoucho)
https://youtu.be/tI1UBEyvvaA Mela (more standard jpop)
https://youtu.be/3g379shKulAShoujo Rei (rare live clip, showing resonance is real)
https://youtu.be/OSCB77k6BscEien no Akuru Hi (great finesse in lower notes)
https://youtu.be/M6Z3ciG0D4UTetora Noa: this one is less about techniques. It would be faster to show her singing
Makka na Chikai
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YgM-L_Zt7FY&t=11597sIt seems that she's best at fast and happy songs. Healthy vibrato and belting, with sweet voice. Catch is that she likes the live filters too much (cheap setup), and sometimes forgets to do the vibrato and belting in songs. Some more covers I liked:
Teru no uta (slower ballad, acapella)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lv9JmArmvOI&t=2027sUtsukushiki Zankokuna Sekai (tragic, with belting)