>>86389825I cant see them ever being truly satisfied until ALL of their tangible goals on that list are completed. Even then, theyll just end up adding more goals/dreams. I'm not as much of a doomsayer as everyone else, so I know theyll have times where they're so busy they can barely stream and I also know they'll have times where they CAN stream a decent amount.
We'll have barren times followed by an extreme amount of content which will all be the result of their nonstop hard work and autistic dedication. Cause yes, they work so hard because of the Ruffians and those who came before. They arent just working hard for the sake of it, they're doijg it for those cheers, those calls at BD, the praise and dedication they see in the comments, etc, etc. They do it all to make the dumbfucks who adore sitting there and watching them play super mario world for 12 hours proud, happy, inspired, emotional, and so much more.
tldr, they do it cause theyre IDOLs in the truest sense.