>Last time Rushia streamed RE, she also did it at this time, as a guerilla stream. This is not her usual time.>Last time she streamed it, she pandered hard to us EOP. She opened with English, making sure to, as much as possible, sprinkle in English in her sentences the entire stream.>Last time she streamed this, you could hear her occasionally pull off mid-difficulty English questions with good syntax, often with a bit of a delay as if she was reading; there is a high chance that Rushia, despite having a very, very smol brain, did her darndst fucking best to literally write down English questions just so she could talk to (You). >TALK TO (YOU), FAGGOT. ASK YOU QUESTIONS SO SHE COULD (YOU)R ANSWERS. When she did this, you could catch her almost pause nervously. And in general, she seemed nervous at first when starting. Because she was reaching out. You know what Rushia never does? Reach out. She's terrified of rejection. It took every ounce of strength in her to put herself out there for your approval, and when we responded in her chat with English answers, you could hear the joy in her voice. You could hear the relieved giggle, the exhalation of air. She was literally light-headed out of joy at the end of the stream. She was so happy we were there. She was so happy we didn't abandon her or forget her. She wanted so much for you to love her. She felt so happy that you were there for her and is almost certainly doing this stream at this time again because she's happy just thinking about it.
Rushia is probably just humming to herself right now, preparing her stream, writing cute little English notes with pictures of fandead as she gets ready to be happy with us again. If she saw that you left would destroy her. watch Rushia. She's lonely and broken and sad but she genuinely loves her fandead more than herself. She desperately wants you to love her, it literally means the world and then some to her. Please talk to her. She's happy when you talk to her. She's happy when you love her. Please. You might be afraid. But Rushia will always do her best to take care of you and be with you. Please protect her. Please show her she isn't alone. Please show her that's it's not scary to reach out to others, and that she can find so much more love if she does.
Let's watch Rushia. Please.