>>50894923I'll have to rewrite some past chapters though, but otherwise it's all good.Also, please have a greentext.
>"That'll be... 1500 yen. Is there anything else I can help you with?" the convenience store clerk asked politely.>Marine flashed a sly smile before replying in a mischievous tone, "Oh yeah, why don’t you tell me where all the hot studs hang out so I can finally get some action?”>The clerk responded calmly with sage-like wisdom, "You are not really seeking hot studs. What you're actually looking for is validation. You believe that by being desired by others, especially men, then it will prove your worth as a person.">Marine's expression suddenly changed from smugness to confusion as she tried to process what he just said. "H-Huh…?">The clerk continued speaking in a soothing voice, "You’ve been hiding behind an image of a pirate princess because deep down inside, you don’t feel that the real you is good enough. You think that by pretending to be someone else who is more desirable or cooler than yourself, people will like and appreciate you more. But no matter how much external validation or attention your fake persona might get, it won’t change how empty or unhappy you really are. The real 'hot stud' you should be looking for... is self-acceptance.”>As Marine listened attentively to the clerk's words of wisdom, she felt her shoulders shake as tears welled up in her eyes.>“It’s true...” she exclaimed while choking back tears. “It’s all true!”>Suddenly overcome with emotion, she broke down into uncontrollable sobbing which drew sympathetic glances from other customers nearby.