>Requirements for channel registration>Only channels with a minimum of 1,000 subscribers and 1,000,000 cumulative views are registered and ranked.>Video information are aggregated for channels with a minimum of 23,000 subscribers OR 10,000,000 cumulative views.>this indie that Kuzuha boosted still isn't listed on Playboard>91k subs, 2.3 million cumulative views.https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCebCRguPlkvWemz2dKxWIAWHY! The only thing he doesn't qualify in is 10 million cumulative views, but that isn't a hard requirement. Somehow, a clip channel instead shows up when you search his name.
https://playboard.co/en/channel/UC2RyUFNAszv0mdYiltvmCuAWhich interestingly enough, deleted 1.4 MILLION views worth of videos before turning into a clip channel for him.