Schedule time. Just gonna say up front it seems like nobody wants to really bring it up to a significant degree so don't expect it to be discussed. At least probably not until we hear from the man himself. Anyway, currently live:
Zen - Stream just says playing game.Also wearing the beach outfit again while doing so but is currently just hanging out and talking about spiders. - Is on that David Cage shit by playing Heavy Rain. No, she didn't bring anything up at the start of the stream. - Playing Twelve Minutes. Simple as. today: Consider everyone a big question mark because I can easily see streams being canceled over the big news.
Nyan - No schedule, but Tuesdays are normal for her.
Mouse - Same. no schedule, but is a Tuesday regular.
Mel - Schedule has a Twitch stream today. no info on it.
Hime's a who knows. Same with Froot. Vei's going to be gone until tomorrow at the earliest. No schedule from Silver yet so no idea.