Seeing as though people are talking about clipping (once again) and the usage of TikTok. I'll share what little I've learned in the two/three weeks since I've tried being more consistent with TikTok.
Currently I have 637 followers and 6454 likes on TikTok. I noted some of the new followers on Twitch and I think about 7 people followed me from TikTok (I assume because they were follows at random points in the day when I wasn't streaming). The other day one of those people actually came into a stream saying "I found you on TikTok".
Now of course, these numbers are miniscule. but the effort was also not too much on my end either. admittedly I do add a little extra to the clips I post, with some minimal editing and subtitiles being added. But to be fair I kinda enjoyed learning the process too so it was fun for me.
Something interesting to note though, is it seems like now more often than not, with each new video I upload, it's like a snowball effect, where they are doing significantly better than the stuff I posted months ago on a whim. Maybe explaining the consistency is key thing.
>>14281500Do things intentionally that could lead to funny moments. If you see a big boss that you might not be able to kill. Go for it anyway with full confidence. If you do kill it, you look like a chad, if you die, you can laugh at the "karma" moment. At least, that's what I imagine
Sorry for the wall of text, have a Miku