Quoted By:
>"Elira, I'm really against this..."
>"No, Anon wait listen to me for a sec, okay?" Elira is desperately trying to make you listen.
>"I don't know Elira but..." You stare at her at complete disbelief. "Elira, this is just... This is so weird, what the hell..."
>Elira tries to reassure you that everything is fine. "Look Anon, just listen for a second, just listen"
>"No, Elira listen to me!" You can't hold anymore this burning anger. "Listen I wanted this to be special for us, what in the world do you mean you want me to give my akasupa virginity to Finana!?"
>Elira tries to stop you from bolting off. "Yeah I know it's weird okay!? I know it's weird! But... Look, this is how I am... I know you were saving it for me but... This is just... I... How to explain it... That's how I am..."
>"Elira what's wrong with you..." Your tone is filled with disappointment.
>"Yeah there's something wrong with me... But that's how I am... I... I like it... I really like it... When you watch Finana streams instead of me.. I hate it but... At the same time... It turns me on Anon... I love it in fact... Watching you tune into her streams instead of mine... Making flirty comments... Praising Pomu... When you post crying faces next to Rosemi's pictures... I don't know if you are being ironic or not that turns me on... It's like you are cheating on me... I love it... Sorry."
The dragon is trying to explain the situation but nothing she says makes any sense to you.
>"Anon I know you were saving you first time for me and you wanted it to be super special but... Just this one time... Please, do it... Give it to Finana... And let me watch it... The fact that she's the biggest slut and you are giving it to her instead of me... That's just... I..." Elira gets closer to you. She's trembling. "Is she regretting it?" You want to pretend this never happened but...
>You are speechless.
>"Anon... Please? I'll make it up for you... You just have fun with her and let me watch..." Elira begs you, she hugs you. You can feel her warmth.
>"What if...No... Elira you are my kamioshi, why are you doing this to me..." Elira stares you with puppy eyes.
>"Fine... But only this time okay? After this please let me...! You and m-" Elira cuts your words. She placed her finger softly on your lips. You sealed the deal. There's nothing else to say. Elira pats your head.
>Taking a good look again you never noticed the dragon girl has been smiling this entire time... "Wait, has she been smiling since the start? No way"
>Elira's smile pierces your soul. You get a gut feeling that maybe this is the biggest mistake... And that there's not turning back after this. This woman might be actually broken inside.