>>42572098I got a new job recently, it's been fun and im still in training (it's only my 6th day here). I keep fucking up, but only little fuck ups like forgetting to put integers and booleans and other shit where they need to go cause im nervous.
My trainer is good and actually gives a shit, but he keeps picking the hardest things for me to do (partly because nobody else knows how to do them and he wants to make sure I can do it if I ever come across the scenarios). But it results in my just staring at the code not understanding it for like 2 hours until I ask him, or decide to make a change and roll with it.
the jobs nice and pays well, but it's kinda stressful cause your code can get "denied" and if that happens it's like a black mark on your record, and it can literally be denied as far in as "we were almost about to give it to the customer and something broke". So you kinda just pray it wasnt YOUR fuck up that broke it