Right, so I'm the lorefag now for /pcg/ since Invaders came along. Nobody in /aeg/ has been interested in doing lore for them since fucking February, so I just merged the shit on the map after Lumi/Yuri joined PC.
Right now, we're being characterized as super-Byzantium with shades of Reconstruction-era United States, and some of the civic culture in 1700s Istanbul+London. Our national origin mythos takes bits from the Aztecs, Romanians, and Japanese. Throw in the last few rulers being various expies of Pedro II of Brazil, and we've got our country.
Here is the relevant lore, pre-Unity:
https://rentry.org/y65pk (pcg, the Kingdom of Paralírima, background infot)
https://rentry.org/mooch (Paralíriman instability/Time of Troubles)
https://rentry.org/dxppi (clg, Empire of Lampardaleos, background info)
https://rentry.org/wdivt (Lampardalean military organization)
https://rentry.org/qnyv7 (Lampardalean troop types)
https://rentry.org/ity2d (After Yuri/Lumi leave CL, internal reorganization of the CL state)
Relevant lore for the actual EMPIRE OF UNITY.
https://rentry.org/utkaeI'd like greater thread participation. I am sure you guys have some cool shit percolating. What do I need to fill out our lore?
-What are the various cultural past-times of our people?
--What do they eat? Do they have public eateries beyond coffee shops, inns, and the occasional tavola calda?
--What do they value in the fine arts? Paintings? Sculpture? Ceramics? Any special art forms you think our people specialize in? What foreign crafts do we trade in?
--The performing arts are obviously still big. What kinds of plays do they enjoy in the cities? Traveling minstrel troupes and bards?
--Any local sports? Cross-city or cross-province rivalries?
-What crops do we grow and which species do our fishermen target?
--Right now, we have hagfish and yellowmouth moray for industrial/cash uses. The hagfish for its slime, the moray because its venom is a mild paralytic and numbing agent--keeping a few in a live tank assists in medical procedures. What other sea life do we take but not eat? And why?
--As for food fish, we're prizing sea bream, trevally, tuna, and others you guys can decide.
--When our peasantry forage, what are the staples? Do we have laws regulating foraging? Do different provinces prize different nuts, worts, and mushrooms?
Geographical book-keeping:
-I cover Iori's section of the lore. Oros Trachílos (literally deer mountain) is a Mt. Athos-like subdivison of the country, it's our spiritual center with many monasteries, libraries, and houses of worship. Center of medical research.
-Lia's Likers are in the Klephtikan Theme.
-Michiru's people are in the Magissan Theme. Very spiritual and patient people.
-Kanpainiki from the Oínopneuman Theme.
-Pippa got her Podian Theme carved out. Center of overland trade. Landlocked province where agents of the Imperial family can keep restive noble families under close watch.
-Uruka's people are in the Skoupídian Theme. Center of the performing arts, and for some of the more abstract sciences. Religious icons and the like produced here are known to many across the world as "Super Idols".
-I know very little about Nasa, so her Sympanic Theme needs fleshing out. I have "tough motherfuckers in constant border skirmishes with /vsj+/ and culturally influenced by /774/". Beyond that, nada.
-The Tsipouran Theme is named after Fishman. It's directly under control of the Emperor, who appoints his most capable sons to run the Amarikiyan and Canichoriote Themes as their temporary fiefs, sometimes Podian if extra sons happen.
-Fasic Theme is effectively an extra family fief and buffer zone for the capital. Hexxan Katepanate and its odd military structure is a callback to /pchex/.
-Gen 2 gets its own amalgamated theme...unless we take enough territory from /vsj+/ and /wactor/, plus peacefully annex some of /tsun/, in the next war(s) to carve out Themes for all five. I know which territories we're eyeing as well, we're looking to take the entire southern ballsac-looking salient barring a river/port corridor we will allow them to keep for trade purposes.