>>49580564This is what they look like. So I'd assume some sort of antenna on the head which is standard vtuber animal girl stuff, I think Ina has something similar, and that style of flipper transparent water wings if possible.
They're also blue or clear so I'd go for either a white or a light blue color scheme to lean harder on the angel part.
I'd try to make it feel soft so maybe I'd throw some fluffy white details like what a Santa outfit has or just try to give it all a thick soft fabric.
This sort of shit must be tough to prompt though, unironically it's something an actual artist would do much better.
Given the shape of the animal, it kinda feels like it has a cape so I would try to do something like that, I like the look of this outfit and I would try to work around something like it
https://th.aliexpress.com/item/1005003242739461.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2thaMaybe throw in some vaguely angel wing style details, if you've seen Needy Streamer Overload think of Ame's normal outfit and the white sleeve details of her top.
Though she did mention she liked a magical girl vibe.
If I think magical girl and angel the first thing that comes to mind is Sakura but I'm a boomer so that's the magical girl I remember.
https://c4.wallpaperflare.com/wallpaper/636/669/313/angel-captor-angel-sakura-anime-card-captor-sakura-hd-art-wallpaper-preview.jpghttps://w0.peakpx.com/wallpaper/886/390/HD-wallpaper-kinomoto-sakura-staff-pretty-green-eyes-wing-sweet-cherry-blossom-nice-anime-feather-anime-girl-weapon-sakura-wings-cardcaptor-sakura-lovely-gown-loral-sexy-short-hair-cute-flying.jpgA more recent example of magical girl angels that comes to mind is panty and stoking.
https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/pswgb/images/b/b3/1a-18.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110226173506And of course there's also madoka with some angel vibes in her ultimate form, you can see good angles here
https://www.goodsmile.info/en/product/3574/Ultimate+Madoka.htmlIf it seems like I'm just throwing out a lot of ideas its' because I am not sure what exactly would work. Good character designs can take a ton of attempts and tests before there's a clear direction to take.