>>72607161>>72609109and I think your advice is wrong. Yes, I'll admit a couple images were dim;
>72603633>72604035>72604887but that was because of the checkpoint.
I've switched off because it didn't change the style enough. Though I think it was a slight improvement, the hit to the color is not worth it.
Specifically, where you replied to my last image, and said it still didn't look like there was a vae was right out.
If it makes you feel any better, I tried all of the other .pt vae selections in tensor, and I found them to be way too bright.
Here's another. I didn't change any settings, and it is brighter. Same vae.
It looks nothing like the image on the left, and if you still insist that it does, I'll have finally learned to no longer engage with you.
I'm trying to make something more like scanned traditional media. These are more of a watercolor/colored pencil style, but I'm trying to make something more like a painting. On gelbooru searching through the traditional media tag, I do see some that have brighter colors. but I also see many that have more muted colors. That's what I'm going for.