>>96117431>was productive today>went on a hot girl walk for 1.5h>was brainrotting on my phone for 40min>am tired and now streaming>hope you brought something to work on>short co-working stream>exciting news: curry tonight for the tako family and ayu gets to cook for once>egg on the side maybe omelette with cheese and mushrooms>not sure if sweet potato in the curry or nah>or maybe air fryer chicken and curry>so excited, havent cooked in a while>im good at cooking and taking pictures but i dont post pics know it was yummy >will mostly be BGM and weird Ayu noises for about 1h>working on a w thing due yesterday>voice is very crackly today dunno one, had water and coke zero>i realised maybe im a dr peppor girlie ...>got a packaged of press-on nails>but the cat is curious about the package so we have to wait>they come in these cute little cases>a bnuuy one, a cat one, a strawberry one. cottage core green, a blue bnuyy one with ribbons and a blue and black set with silver gems>it's hard to find press-on for me cause my hands are so smol
>...i bought a lot!>i need to buy more...>im so absorbed >fuck it, this is zatsu... this is not a coworking stream...>ill work as soon as im done pacing all the trash from the nails>i should buy some for some girlies... especially if im gonna see them...>i should buy more...>if i glue them properly and take care of them they should last 2 or 3 weeks>look!! LOOK HOW CUTE THEY ARE>i typically wear browns and white and i have no idea when im gonna wear these>i was supposed to be working...>i feel im girl-talking at you guys and you are like nodding at me>as a girlie or at least for me i feel its expected to do upkeep like your nails and your hair>all of this cost me $25 and will last me months but doing my nails at a proper salon would cost at least $50 just for one set and that lasts a couple weeks
>that means im saving money and i can buy more snacks >food is meant to be shared>it makes me feel warm and fuzzy>i should eat on stream on day>buy the women in your life nails from TEMU>im eepy... i walked so much today...>er tentaculated asscrack got ZERO work done in this working stream and it was great>big collab tomorrow, same team as Pillow and Terra>will put pics of the nails and curry on twittor if it looks yummy>still have to edit the birthday voice pack>still not sure about egg or chicken curry>>*babygorls opine*>okay we'll do chimken>we ate a lot today... we YAPPED a lot today!>let's eat a lot tomorrow>bye bye baaayuuu bhubhubuhbye>love you guys >take care of yourselves okay?>mwwwah lub~>*whispers* i miss you guys already... baaayu~>mmmwah