Ross told Rachel that Mark was trying to bang her and they got into such a big argument over it that she said they should go on a break.
The boys then took Ross out clubbing (and drinking) that, while Rachel decided to not only call Mark but also let him come over to 'help her feel better'.
Ross then called her while drunk and out clubbing to try and work things out only to hear Mark in the background and Rachel clearly trying to make up a bs excuse.
From Ross's perspective he told his gf that a guy at her work was trying to bang her, she said they should take a break (as in, break up for awhile) then invited the guy over.
He was also drunk, proceeded to get far more drunk, and had a girl who had spent the entire night trying to get him to smile kiss him.
I don't blame the guy for going for it. Sure a one night stand is not my kind of thing but he was not only in an awful place but also drunk as all hell.
The fact that Mark immediately tried to bang Rachel after she hung up on Ross and then she asked him to leave is irrelevant because from his point of view they probably were banging and he was drunk.
If a guy gets a girl dead drunk and sleeps with her that's the guy being the scumbag not the girl. Why isn't it the same when it's the other way around.
Ross was taken advantage of while on a break.