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I found the time to track an image from an alternate world. There were small inscriptions underneath each warrior which could possibly be descriptions of each. I tried my best translating them but they are heavily faded and they are written in a dialect that I am not familiar with.
>Forsooth the holy maiden Ame has blessed this ravaged body, yet she has not blessed me with her hand in matrimony. Oh woe is I the sorrowful knight Ryanus Goslingus.
>Thine ape like mind cannot handle the citron colours of mine muse? Will thou lash out in such a barbaric manner?
>Tiseth I. DeadedBeat
>Ika I sweareth upon thine ancestors that thou shall be inscribed in mine tome o grudges.
>Youthful body and thine erotic belly most splendid UUUUUOOOOHHHH