>>87708916The incumbent power structure of contemporary society is centered around mentally, culturally, spiritually, and ideologically castrating the male, or masculinity in general.
Thymos, faustian spirit, will to power, all of these things are threats to the incumbent order; and the desire for a man to take a woman and procreate the species participates in the most fundamental expression of this.
And so, every boy from his youngest age is conditioned by everything around him to have a policeman inside of him - the open air prison of the longhouse and its matriarchs - that triggers the feeling of self-censorship every time an expression of male sexuality, of masculinity, of expansive energy, ever threatens to rear its head. Systemic whack-a-mole of discipline and punish for every nail of spiritedness that sticks out, to inculcate the totalizing spirit of learned helplessness, safely inert, sterile, and volitionless, totally dependent on the Big Other for intermediation and intercession in all processes of life.