good: relatively cheap access to her pussy
bad: everything else
good: good singer, her aoikapellas were really fun
bad: she sucks at streaming and is filled with dead air.
good: comfy streams, decent singer.
bad: her schtick gets old quick. there's more way to play the seiso onee-san than just going "oh dear" every 5 seconds.
good: creative, surprisingly good covers, isn't restrained but doesn't play it too far (usually)
bad: goes too far sometimes and runs jokes into the ground hard immediately. also sucks at collabs, being unrestrained is fine in a solo stream, in a collab have some restraint so you're not just derailing every single interaction
good: good singer, charistmatic streamer, plenty of interesting things. plays up the supernatural interest stuff which is fun, and unlike most 'horror' chuubas, she doesn't screech at every jump scare.
bad: sometimes dips too low into the pandering. the shilling for PRISMS is nice on occasion but she takes it too far and it becomes jarring and feels forced.
good: probably the most entertaining streamer in PRISM and maybe the EN sphere in general. lots of fun, high energy and plays with the audience well without being a cunt like luto.
bad: could prepare better and actually have better put together streams.
good: she's cute and I appreciate good comedy.
bad: she's ugly. also a fairly boring streamer when doing game streams.
good: unoffensive
bad: really boring, and is really bad at putting covers together.
good: she's cute
bad: audio, also too "cute" and it feels cringe forced.