>>90352937read the fucking reply chain you stupid fucking dumbfuck retard fucking brainlet, it's not about the subcount, fucking idiot
fuck me why do I share threads with such drooling spastics that don't even know what they're replying to? I FUCKING HATE stupid people, I really wanna cave in the heads of some of you fucking speds
fucking FWMC themselves are smarter than some of you plebs and they are almost low-functioning autismo downie tier ffs
>FuWaMoCo ArE lE fAkEsT eNs FlOp RuNtS fAiLeD iDoLs MoGgEd By KiArA/bAe/ShIoRi PlSpLsPlSpLs MaKe ThIs AbOuT mY dAiLy ScRiPt PlEeEeEeAsEeEeE mAkE tHiS aBoUt My KiArA sEeThE mE mE mEdon't care, didn't ask niggæ BAU BAU