>>14962755>reminder that this nigga is ruining the threads on purposeI go entire weeks without ever posting anything even remotely controversial, which is probably better than your track record. And most of my controversial posts involve liking holos "too much"
Fun fact; I have never, not once, made an anti-post about a Holo. Yes. Not once. I have never numberfagged. Yes, not once. I have phases of being attentionwhore, but the idea of antiposting Holos is both repellant and also mind-numbingly boring
More importantly though, it's antagonistic to literally my entire mental construction of Hololive.
When I get upset about something in Hololive, I don't anti-post. I shill the holos I like.
I shill their positive qualities that I see as meaningful. I ended up spamming them, because as I said, I'm clearly completely insane and that comes with inherently low impulse control on occasion.
But even at my craziest most fucked up state of mind, I have never once anti-posted a Holo. I'd be willing to compare my posting history and yours any day. Hololive is at the end of the day my home. And it is was, and is, and will be precious to me.
And also, try to stop misattributing posts and at least 2 or 3 other anons to me. I'm flattered, but this Red Scare shtick must be getting old for more than a few people by now.
+1 IP, by the way.
>reminder that he's most likely the rushipeko schizo that comes here whenever /hlg/ boots his ass/hlg/ is too schizo for me and has been for months. And also useless for the thing I come here for, which is discussing the streams.
>reminder that he's at fault for you being unable to send your oshi a christmas present because he stuck tracking faggotry in his packages to PekoI'm surprised only one back then anon actively posted about seeing through that obvious fishing for (You)s at the end of an already awful thread.
If I would've done something like that I'd've do my research to make sure I wasn't caught.
Anyway, this will be the first and last post I've made like this in weeks, and I look forward to you probably mislabeling countless future shit stirrers as me just like either you or some other anon seems to. You can pretend schizos aren't welcome all you like, I'm beyond the point where I can care. This post was just such a direct call-out that I couldn't help myself.