Sup nerissa and everyone. Countenance/physiognomy is a direct part of us including things that aren't a direct part of us like our clothing. Even though any one of us can change our clothing in an instant, it remains a fact that the clothes we choose to wear are a physical manifestation of our inner qualities (countenance). Therefore it is a direct part of our countenance. Would a modest girl of pure heart wear something immodest like a bikini to a rave? No. Would an immodest girl wear something modest? Not of her own will unless she were trying to deceive. The fact remains that our clothing is part of our countenance (take a shot everytime I write countenance) and it reveals just as much inner qualities as other facets.
>moggingMy clothing, although mostly appropriate in my hometown, was not so appropriate elsewhere. So i'll tell you the story of how I got mogged which forced me to dress more aptly. I was like 19 and I was traveling to houston so i'm chilling in the airport lounge and then they call for boarding. So I go line up and I just so happen to line up behind this one guy. Hes like 25-27 he's ever so slighlty taller than me at 6 5 plus hes wearing dress shoes so he has that extra inch to make him 6 6. So not only do I line up behind the only guy in the airport that height mogs me but it gets worse. This guy is wearing a three piece suit (who wears three piece suits under 40 anymore? that guy does apparently) it's a really professional looking suit likely full canvas could even be bespoke. He looks like patrick bateman, hes got the watch, the shoes are nicely polished and shined, his hair is perfect, hes got a leather travel bag, this guy is completely dialed. He looks like wall street but not sleazy.
>meAnd then theres me standing right behind him :^) i was wearing a backwards hat on, I had my sunglasses on, i'm wearing my freaking white lacrosse pinnie. I likely hadnt showered in a week (swimming in the ocean that's pretty much a shower anyway, plus you always rinse off in the public showers anyway) i'm likely not even wearing normal shorts on i'm likely wearing board shorts on, no underwear like always, my white nike tube socks, and vans. And a backpack as my carry on. Two completely different energies right next to each other, and it was after I suffered that humiliation that I thought yeah I gotta start dressing more appropriately. So I did.
>girl moggingI shared the tea party analysis and the above anecdote so that you people don't get mogged or humiliated if you ever encounter people who understand countenance. You can change your ways now in the comfort of your home. Take a look at this
>>>/wsg/5821629Look how she mogs everyone just on her appearance alone. Her cheeky smile confirms she knows she mogged the other women, look how jealous they looked. If you want to be the best woman you can be (and inadvertantly mog other women) you must dress according to marian modesty. Take a look at some examples'm telling you, and women dont understand this, but modest is hottest. The woman from the video is not marian modest, shes showing too much skin, but you get the point. Cultivate modesty, elegance, and humility and you'll be the best woman you can be. And over time that naturally becomes a part of your countenance.
>ginger vs mary annAsk your dads about ginger vs mary ann from "gilligans island" it was a popular show whenever it aired and the boys would always debate who was the better girl Ginger (hot but high maintenance, make up wearing, fancy hair having, hollywood actress) or Mary Ann (the girl next door with little to no makeup, and relaxed hair). Time and time again the majority always picked the girl next door Mary Ann. This is something women dont understand. Just be chill and mellow, women are far more attractive that way. No makeup, no big hair, no expensive jewelry, no revealing clothing, just be chill and wear chill hairstyles like beach waves and messy high bun :^) I believe in all of you, you can do it! Now take a look at this
>>>/wsg/5821643Compare the countenance of the two women here, with the countenance of the woman from the first webm posted. Despite the fact that I praised the way she dressed. I can guarantee you that the majority of men would choose either of the two women here over the woman from the first webm. Why? For the same reason men overwhelmingly chose Mary Ann over Ginger. Chill and mellow and easy to hang out with always wins. I believe in you, I know you can do it! Yeah you! And the same goes for men too.
>>96342112Yes its grim but that's the beauty in it. When you lose it all, only then do people look up to God for help. The distractions of the world no longer blinding them. The self insert character in Anna Karanina is named "Levin" you'll really enjoy his arc now that its not forced on you by school. I promise. Read it via audiobook
>buddismi'm going to be sick, you need the byzantine rite anon.