>>25273245Hypothetically, let's say that there were some vacant positions for a hypothetical rape dungeon owned by Polka. Let's also say that Polka hypothetically has hidden sub tiers. Would you try to obtain this hypothetical membership tier even if it meant you would be kidnapped and thrown into this hypothetical rape dungeon owned by Polka. This is all a scenario of course. It's not real. Definitely. But still, it's an interesting question to think about, right? Who in the right mind would believe that Polka actually had a rape dungeon. What a completely ridiculous assumption. A narrative with no basis, if you will. A tale only preyed upon by those who no longer can see reality for what it truly is. Anyways, back to the main question. Would you try to obtain Polka's imaginary hidden membership tiers even if it mean you would be risking your freedom by theoretically being thrown in a completely fictional dungeon meant for the purposes of forced procreation owned by Polka which she definitely doesn't own in reality?