Wth Nerissa pneumonia? Its okay I dont go to the doctor either. All the cures and all the vectors of sickness ive stated have been true. I wouldnt post that stuff if I didnt know it was true but I hope you get better real soon from your illness. Ive already given all of my cures and remedies that work for me. At this point if youre looking for something to take I would just recommend the "50,000 IU vitamin D3 + K2 200 mcg with coconut oil" you can get it on amazon, I would also recommend Vitamin C powder (also known as ascorbic powder) I got mine from a company known as "purebulk".
>dosagesAs for dosages, you want to take the vitamin C powder like this. 2 scoops of 1/4 teaspoon vitamin C powder to 1 scoop of 1/4 teaspoon baking soda. Its a simple 2:1 ratio that creates "Sodium Ascorbate" which is more absorbable and not harmful to your body like pure "ascorbic powder" may be. Mix in water (it will fizz) and drink within 5 mins or it oxidizes and doesnt work anymore. If you dont want to do that, the "emergen-c" powder packets are more or less the same thing. Ive generally taken one per day but you can take two per day, drink a lot of water as well.
>vitamin dAs for the Vitamin D3 pills, the packet says one pill per week but I can personally vouch that I took that pill every day for a few months with no side effects. So if youre really sick, I would recommend every day until youre better. I would also recommend you eat a handful of pumpkin seeds to go along with the vitamin D3 since it uses up magnesium and zinc to work, and pumpkin seeds are the best form of bioavailable magnesium and zinc from food.
>Vitamin D reduces autoimmune diseasehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4ASN8VXuL8I trust that youtube channel. And speaking of that guy.
>Vitamin A and mystery pneumoniahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIo8rtpD_LM>Pneumonia and Vitamin A in Chinahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PCNpu7dYFuwBasically take some Vitamin A. My preferred form of Vitamin A is raw beef liver, it has tons of it and its all bioavailable. Im not a huge fan of the taste so what I do is lay it flat in a ziploc bag and freeze it. When I want to eat some (only once a day) I break off a little chunk (about the size of a saltine cracker) and I either just cut it up into a bunch of pill sized pieces and swallow it with water like a normal pill or I blend it with a scoop of protein in a shake and the liver taste is mostly gone. Beef liver is the best multivitamin on Earth and its my preferred way to take vitamin A. (You can get vitamin A poisoning if you take too much but a little chunk like I eat has never hurt me). I dont cook it because heat denatures the proteins so you don't get the full benefits, thats why I eat it raw.
>cod liver oilIf you dont want to mess with raw liver and the Vitamin D pills I recommended, then try cod liver oil which has high vitamin A and Vitamin D.
>experiment part 2Perhaps not the best time but theres no other time. Did my visualization reach you? I visualized myself in front of you and I grabbed your neck, even choking a little. I tried to focus on just that, but full disclosure, I then also visualized reaching up and lightly scratching your scalp and then grabbing you by the hair. Are we in sync? Is that you saw?
>illnessAnyway, I hope you get better real soon. Vitamin A, D, and C are the basis for good immune health. Its always worked for me. I know it will work for you. I wish I could do more to help you, but I feel helpless. I only have three more major health knowledge to share, one would not help immediately, another I will reveal tomorrow because it takes one night to work and you're currently doing it, and the other I cannot personally vouch for so I wouldnt recommend it like everything else I have shared. Feel better Nerissa, Ill be thinking about you.
>>92830522Thats based, Ive been looking into that as well.
>>92802181Everything I stated was true, and im not a troll. All serious animal breeders have known about this since forever. Look up the "Earl of Morton's mare" for a very well documented case. He was a horse breeder that one day decided to breed his mare (female horse) with a male quagga (a now extinct subspecies of zebra). The offspring predictably had a phenotype mix of both parents half horse half quagga. What was shocking was that he later decides to breed that mother mare, and breed her with a male horse this time. The offspring, despite the parents both being pure horse, had the stripes and stiff hair physical traits of a quagga. How did this happen? Microchimerism.