As someone who only goes to /vt/ for specific threads and when fun is happening, yes, I am a crossboarder. After reading the reply to my post previous thread, all I could say is I don't really get how your manager/s' thought process works.
I think the idea of having generals for each, or at least 18 players would work perfectly and utilize the unity for /vt/. I don't see how it is moronic than having 250+ choices, which is a LOT for 10 players slot, to choose from as what your manager has said here
>>59586310 .
There were also ideas of bringing in the /vt/ cup or merging the players/team there to be inside the /vt/ team but, again, your manager was strongly against it for reasons I cannot comprehend
>>59587498 (This is the /vt/ team not the /vt/ League Team) I just cannot fathom the reasoning with this one.
All in all, I feel like the manager/s and the fans are very disconnected from each other, and that the manager/s has strong beliefs that they cannot let go of leading to not taking any suggestions from the fans or people of /vt/