Quoted By:
>1 month ago
>If you said you couldn't wait for HomostarsEN everyone would know you were shitposting
>If you said you wanted [ENHolo] to collab with a male you would be banned for trolling
>If you say that duet was odd people will tell you to leave this board
>If you say you would prefer to watch only girls you will get called a schizo
>if you say you don't want male collabs people will try and make it out like that is just an antipost
How exactly did this happen? A month ago saying you watch Hololive for the girls was a statement that everyone could agree with and would even say its the main thing seperating hololive from the rest, making this same statement today will result in nothing other than replies attempting to rewrite history while calling you a schizo. Literally less than a month, thats all it took.