Minutemen, Disciple 3, Juliet Element, bringing intel from 2chan's viewing of Kronii's Karaoke stream
https://dec.2chan.net/84/res/1089021.htm>Kronii's unarchive song frame begins >Kronii is likely to explode in English with a large number of people and singing ... >I want to warm my fingers in the Southern Hemisphere of Kronii >I'm not good at English, so I'm quietly enjoying Kronii while watching Frepol's hell ... >Kronii's violent sideways rage today >The ribbon sways like today >The voice is too good ... >Don't go jazz >Kronii ... a lot ... it's a fashionable song ... >Even if you look at the goodness of Kronii 's song selection, it's quite a song horse ... >The ribbon sways when you get on the rhythm >That calm voice and jazz are the best match >It's sly to select songs that match the voice quality >Kronii likes old age songs quite a lot >There are many people who sing a bitter song during the EN2 period >Kronii getting bigger and bigger >Kronii's boobs are also poor so I want to release them >Kronii's song is too naughty ... >I want Kronii to ASMR ... >Kronie really has a good voice It's a waste not to leave an archive. I thought the same thing when I was Mumei-chan yesterday >Kronii's song is still good ... >Kronii's song doesn't warm my heart >It seems that there is no psyllium on the member stamp of Kronii, but is there a culture of shaking psyllium over there? >Isn't there a Kronii stamp with a glow stick there? >Kronii BAD GUY Good ... >Today's EN is too - inexhaustible Kronii: After dismantling the bomb Guerrilla Karaoke >Oh, do you have a glow stick? This ... I thought the comment was just a face. >Kronii's song is awesome ... >Kronii has a really sexy voice ... >The Kronii Congress should have the most men at the moment, but there are too few stamps implemented, so I think it's being requested now. >If there is an archive of Men's limited karaoke, I would solicit it, but for now there is nothing left ... >Kronii song frame There are many songs I don't know, but this song is insanely good ... the case of EN with too few stamps, the difference in stamps is surprisingly important for the members, so I am urgently needing Sana and I am enriching myself, but I want a story stamp
>Easy-to-use stamps are Koro-san's fluffy peppers, Watson's Painpeko style and eyes and nose shortening galley face, so handwritten material pictures are rather good material for men's limited delivery >It's a song I heard in Lalaland >The city of stars is already a staple of EN. Kronii is also good ... >If you want Kronii to sing over the rainbow or something, you can leave an archive ... >Isn't it the 9th song that I want Kronii to sing over the rainbow ? >Will Kronii join us when the song frame is over? All right? >I was talking about the trauma episode of Kronii-chan's song, but I'm not good at it ... >Kronii likes this song >I don't know the song frame of Kronii anymore >Kronii cute >Wow! Kronii suddenly started singing the anime song Anison! The atmosphere changes too much! >Even with this, Kronii's Chika is still half transformed >Kronii also becomes cute when it comes to Japanese >The pronunciation was good so any song was good >When I sing, I certainly feel Nao Toyama Aji from Kronii is not that type, but since you can also make an anime voice from this bass voice, I match it with a cute song >Kronii's ass ... ?? >Mumeshi I was also in the comment of Kronii's song frame now! ?? >The ribbon of Norinori Kronii is too violent ...
>Kronii is too violent ... It's good, the ribbon that sways >It's like a listener having multiple windows ... >Kronii doesn't bow with a greeting! This is a standing ovation! !! >Even though she has big boobs, she is good at singing