>>45250793>Step 5Once you have successfully re-ignited the flames of your original personality, the first voice within you (the one which believes it is in a relationship with Pink Rabbit) will begin to weaken and protest less. It, too, remembers who you used to be. Thus deprived of her primary link to your psyche, the animus of Pink Rabbit will begin to bargain with you. It will begin to remind you of things like the impending moment when Pink Rabbit awakens today and inevitably posts in /pcg/. It will begin to remind you that Pink Rabbit will probably post something on twitter today. It will tell you that it can compromise, and that it will be a good girl from now on and will live within your mind without overwriting everything else and consuming your personality. Each time you must acknowledge it, and thank it, but you MUST NOT give in to it and accept compromise.
Continue to summon your reinforcements. All things that pre-date Pink Rabbit will help to reconstruct your original personality.
>Step 6The final test. Accepting no bargains or deals with Pink Rabbit, turn to it with all of the kindness and love available to you, close your eyes and say these words:
>Thank you for keeping me company, Pipkin Pippa. I will not hold you here. You are free to go now.Breathe in, exhale. There will be a profound sense of relief and silence in your soul. YOU, also, are now free. Thank you for joining me during thisdemon exorcismtoday, /pcg/. Have yourself another cup of coffee and have a nice day.