>>3581936We need a western Noraneko, someone with pure unfiltered autism who happens to carry a 5000 IQ megabrain at the same time, literally the LA CREATIVIDAD of the vtuber sphere.
>pitted one ubereats driver against another on stream>played werewolf all alone>hijacked the nyancat relay and sang it for 13 hours straight, leading to kino moments like almost choking trying to eat food>cooked worm sushi>the infamous stream where she asked taka (indonesian man) to teach her how to cook naan (indian food)>imitated hiromoot's zatsudans stream>did eigo-only totsumachi for a straight hour with people who speak broken eigo, resulted with unforgettable moments like "DO YOU RAIKU DONARUDO TORAMPU? I RAIKU DONARUDO TURAMPU">decided to celebrate 200k by putting clothespins on her nipples, get injured in the process, have an infection and ended up having to go to the hospital>singing while doing flash math until she hit 250k>did an endurance stream to push Gilzaren to 100k, called him on stream, then left him all alone to talk to her chatTake one look at her channel history and you'll notice she almost never does the same things twice