>>27721208I've been here right along and haven't gone out of my way to waste my time and be a total ass over one person who hasn't done anything to me personally; beyond maybe having made a few jokes about her being a sexual-predator but that's hardly a legit personal attack. I'm still wondering why Shoenice was calling her names and never got the qrd on that. Since it gets bought up and everyone assumes It's just based out of irrational hate: I come back to a bottom-line undeniable fact that the act of Brit Milah has caused them as a culture and a people to have some deeply negative complexes and acting out of that artificially instilled psychosis in their collective psyche and that given the nature of the act: This should be recognized as a given. It's also why American's in general can be so neurotic in temperament, it effects how we relate with and view Women, informs why many feel a rational from experience but also over-emphasized need to protect themselves. It's a concrete problem and a practice that needs to be called to an end. Once Jewish People abandon the practice and renounce it as a whole, myself and others could be understanding and willing to find some accord. Until then, all I can do is call it out when I get a chance.
>>27724703Ozymandias and Bubastis from the original and superior to the film Watchmen Graphic novel. Fun bit of trivia, Doc Manhatten still walks around full-frontal nude but he lets himself appear much more modestly endowed. As opposed to how he is depicted in the film where his Big Blue Cock is well on display and excessive when you realize that if his character could change shape and size that way, they wouldn't have to show off so much and thus the characterization makes him seem more like a closet Pervert. When his real issue was feeling so disconnected from Humanity that he now longer cared about such a social-norm.